Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thoughts on Mothers

This is one of my favorite paintings by Sandra Kuck!  
(Not only does she capture such exquisite detail, she captures essence!)

Some thoughts I have gathered from others and share here, with love.                               Chris

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"I love each of my children unconditionally and differently.  I show my love for each of them according to their need." 
       Mom (Audella) Evans

"Remembering her own worth is the best example a Mother can use to build her child's self-esteem."  

"More is caught than taught; that is why your unspoken influence on your children is so important."  
       John Brothers, Pastor
       Gill Grove Baptist Church

"A Mother is at the same time both as courageous as a lioness protecting her cubs, and as gentle as a shepherd watching over the flock."  

"When you think you have nothing to give, you can always give love.  After all, that's what children need more than anything else anyway."  
       Connie Engles, 
       Gill Grove Baptist Church Nursery Coordinator

"The first Bible I ever handled was my Mother's Bible.  It was worn, torn and ragged with use, but I loved it.  I knew she's been reading those pages, and I wanted to do the same. ...  At the same time, my mother was a wonderful encourager.  She never said anything that would strike against my self-esteem. ... Through her constant encouragement, my mother helped me to be the man I am today, and I carry a part of her with me in everything I do."     
       Dr. Charles Stanley, Pastor
       First Baptist Church of Atlanta


"Happy Mother's Day to you all!  

      To those of us who still have our Mothers, treasure the moment. 
       To those of us whose Mothers have gone on, treasure the memories.  
          To those of us who may have issues with our Mothers, today is the day to settle it - tomorrow may be too late. 
        To those of us who had Mothers that made us go to church when we didn't want to, no matter where life took us we always came back to Mom's way, because deep in our hearts we knew it was the right way. 
       For all the things she said to us as we were growing up, we swore we would never say those things to our children.  How did you feel the first day you heard your Mother's voice coming out of your mouth? 
       Moments and memories are all we have in this life.  Use the moments wisely and the memories will be what get us through. 
       Give your Mom a big, 'I Love You' along with whatever gift you give her.  It will mean more than you know."
Lu Stafford

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